Antonio Velez

Working with Ed Molitor has been the development highlight of my career. He’s motivating, personable, unselfish, and leads with positive intent. I’ve been a Sales Operations Manager for a number of years and when I started working with Ed, I was dealing with the passing of my father-in-law and moving cross country. We focused on transition and dealing with change, and eventually concentrated on how to be a great coach, prioritization, and work-life balance.

During my development session with Ed, I was promoted to Associate Director of Field Sales Operations, and now have the opportunity to be a first-time manager. I really enjoyed catching up with Ed and sharing stories, because we all have so much to share, and one thing Ed and I value is others’ points of view. The way he’s able to connect and provide feedback is unique and I’m truly thankful for the opportunity to work with him.

These sessions with Ed gave me the confidence to reach for the stars and make a difference. This program was tremendously helpful, and I know that when I’ll look back at my career, this will be one of those significant inflection points that sprung it.


Growing Through (Not Just Going Through) Crisis

Why vulnerability can be a powerful leadership asset