Ashley kimbrough

It is crazy to think that my time with Ed is almost over. It has been a quick 90 days and he has helped me through so much change in my career!

Short and sweet Ed is AMAZING!! I’m so thankful to have been a part of this program. I’m not great with words, and my writing is terrible, but below are some of my thoughts.

Ed is fantastic to work with! He is very authentic, genuine, and truly cares about helping you be the best leader you can be. He also remembers everything!! There were times that he would text me to check in, give me words of wisdom, or encouragement before big career events.

My journey with Ed was very much not par for the course. My personal career path deviated from the expected when I first started in the program. Ed was able to easily adapt to meet me where I was at and help me make some pretty important decisions as it relates to my career.

At the time of enrollment in the program, I had an opportunity to be promoted within the company as well as an opportunity outside of the company. Ed was able to really tailor this program to help me through the interview process, and up to the decision.

My experience in the program was shifted to the events happening in my career and Ed was very attentive, and authentic in helping me navigate that journey.

I will never forget, one day I was feeling down about things happening at my job, to the point I was almost in tears. I met with Ed that day and he could sense I was not in the right place. He walked me through an exercise about where we place our attention and focus drives our thoughts. Those thoughts, whether negative or positive drive our emotions, behaviors, and results. Boiled down, our thoughts drive emotions, and it has really resonated with me day to day in my personal life and professional life. I think about it often and it has really helped me shift attention or focus to things that are attainable, positive, or bring joy.


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