Adversity happens for you

One of the greatest revelations I have had in life is that adversity does not happen to us, it happens for us. 

When we think that something happened to us we become the victim and fire up the pity party. That does not serve you and it certainly does not serve others who are counting on you to lead and perform.

When we believe that adversity happened for us then we see opportunity where others see obstacles, we grab control of our response and actions, we become proactive vs. reactive, and most importantly….we grow through challenging times and not just go through them.

Now think about this….this response also allows us to direct our mental and emotional energy toward creatively finding a solution and to see things that the tunnel vision of a victim’s mentality would not allow us to see.

Did I mention it makes you a badass that attracts winners and helps inspire the people you lead and serve?

Take a minute and think about how powerful that is and how that mindset could have changed things in your life. 

More importantly, let’s dial into the present and lean into how that statement….that mindset….could benefit us right now. 

We know that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it… what is going on in your world right now where this mindset can make a difference. 

This is not intended to be a motivational note but if it serves that purpose, great! 

I want this to be a matter-of-fact reality check which will move you to realize that the power to make a positive out of a negative is in your hands. 

When you realize that adversity happens for you, you will start to see that there is opportunity where others see obstacles. 

As you do this consistently over time this way of thinking and responding becomes a habit….a way of life…..a defining characteristic of your leadership.


This was originally published as a weekly newsletter from Ed Molitor, with The Molitor Group. If you’d like to receive the weekly newsletter, follow this link to subscribe.


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